News & Insights

Exposing Sexual Assault in Hospitals and the Fight for Justice

Sexual assault in hospitals is a profound betrayal of trust that leaves lasting scars on victims and undermines the integrity of healthcare institutions. Addressing this issue requires not only systemic reforms but also empowering victims to seek justice through criminal avenues and civil lawsuits.

Denson v. Geteisen: Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DAHLONEGA, GA - The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a significant ruling on Friday, Sept. 8, 2023 in regard to the case of Betty Denson v. Donald Gerteisen, et al. The ruling pertains to a premises-liability claim arising under Georgia law,...

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Denson v. Geteisen: Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DAHLONEGA, GA - The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a significant ruling on Friday, Sept. 8, 2023 in regard to the case of Betty Denson v. Donald Gerteisen, et al. The ruling pertains to a premises-liability claim arising under Georgia law,...

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